Wow, my life seems so surreal lately. Meeting (not in person) someone who gave you up for adoption 40 years ago has been, to say the least, odd. I guess I never thought to much about this happening and now that it has - it is just hard to wrap your brain around it. I was very fortunate, I have a twin sister that I was adopted with and so I have always had someone to compare myself to. We don't look a lot alike, but, enough to be sisters. On seeing pictures of our biological mother and her two daughters it became very clear that my sister definitely takes after them. Me, not so much - yes, there are some similarities, but not like with my twin. So this made me want to search for a biological father. This is hard to do when you don't have a name to go on and just a few clues given you from your natural mother. I have a suspicion who it is - but , that is all that is at this point. Anyway, I just need to stop obsessing about this and get back to my regularly scheduled life.
This week I did quilt up two quilts for a customer. They were quick and fun. I have one other quilt that needs to be quilted for my quilt guild and then I can work on my own things.
1 comment:
ok, you will have to fill me in on the whole meeting your mom thing. was it the same lady you had a brief phone conversation with a year or so ago?
as for the quilts? i LOVE the cars one...
you do great work. someday i will sit down and really start crafting... maybe not?
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